This month parrot rescues have been top of mind around here, not only because springtime is usually the start of lot’s of big fundraisers for some of our favorite non-profits. We are currently starting the process of opening our own rescue/sanctuary for parrots by figuring out space and capacity required and looking at what is available, both developed and undeveloped, in the area. It’s going to be a big undertaking, but that’s why we are attempting to plan things out as much as possible and starting small.
So this past week I started working on a couple of new products that highlight the amazing birds that can be adopted. Kona in fact, although with his own quirks, came to us after 10 years in another home and he still has at least another 20 or so left after joining our flock.
If you have prior experience with birds and are looking to add to your own flock, I definitely suggest you look for a rescue in your area and consider adopting. There are so many birds that are in need of a good home and just need some TLC to become one of your best friends.
Available now in the shop you can pick-up the “Some of my best friends are rescues” shirt or coffee mug. They both feature a more artistically illustrated happy green parrot sitting on a perch accompanied by the text.